Guide to school choice: a valuable support

Discover the guide to the education and training system and consult the statistics on study programs and access to the world of work.

From the 0-6 years Integrated System to the tertiary education and training programmes

Choose programme

    0-6 years Integrated System

    It is structured in childhood educational services and preschool. The preschool lasts three years and it welcomes children between three to six years old.

    Statistics on education and work

    A synthetic data overview on the Italian educational, training and employment context to orient oneself on future choices.

    Are you looking for a school?
    Use Scuola in Chiaro

    Scuola in Chiaro helps you to select a school thanks to detailed information on Italian institutes of all levels and ranks. You can analyse and compare schools among them to find yours.


    Discover more about the enrollment process

    If you have already chosen the school, you can start enrolling online right away. Find out more on the dedicated page.

    Go to Enrollment