Human Sciences High School

The curriculum of the Liceo delle scienze umane is oriented towards the study of theories and phenomena relating to the construction of personal identity and human and social relations. It guides the student to broaden and develop the knowledge necessary to grasp the complexity and specificity of educational processes. It ensures mastery of the languages, methodologies and techniques of investigation in the field of human sciences.

Compulsory activities and subjects for all students

Annual timetable

Activities and subjects
1st two-year period2nd two-year period
1st year2nd year3rd year4th year5th year
Italian language and literature132132132132132
Latin language and culture9999666666
History and geography9999
Human Sciences*132132165165165
Law and economics6666
Foreign language and culture9999999999
Natural sciences***6666666666
History of Art666666
Motor and sport sciences6666666666
Catholic religion or alternative activities3333333333
Total hours891891990990990
* Anthropology, Pedagogy, Psychology & Sociology
** with Computer Science in the first two years
*** Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
N.B. There is provision for the teaching, in a foreign language, of a non-linguistic subject (CLIL) included in the area of compulsory activities and subjects for all students or in the area of subjects that can be activated by the educational institutions within the limits of the staff quota allocated to them each year.

The Human Sciences High School curriculum is defined in Appendix G of Presidential Decree 89 of 15 March 2010.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course of study, students, in addition to achieving the common learning outcomes, will have to:
  • have acquired knowledge of the main fields of investigation of the human sciences through the specific and interdisciplinary contributions of pedagogical, psychological and socio-anthropological culture;
  • have attained, through reading and direct study of significant past and contemporary works and authors, knowledge of the main educational, relational and social models typical of western culture and the role they played in the construction of European civilisation;
  • be able to identify the theoretical and political models of coexistence, their historical, philosophical and social reasons, and the relationships that result from them in ethical-civil and pedagogical-educational terms.

To find out more about the specific learning objectives for Human Sciences High School, see Appendix G of Ministerial Decree 211 of 7 October 2010 'National Guidelines'.