The world of work

Here you can browse national and regional statistics on the world of work, with a focus on the most in-demand professions, a snapshot of growing economic sectors and the national distribution of hires per macro-sector.

Which professional categories are most sought after by the world of work

The graph shows the trend and forecasts for the professional qualifications most sought after by the world of work.

Processed by the Ministry of Education and Merit using data from Unioncamere - MLPS, Excelsior Information System

What are the trends among economic sectors

The graph shows the development of economic sectors in terms of planned recruitment for 2023, along with the average annual salary for the previous year based on the National Collective Labour Agreements (CCNL).

Processed by the Ministry of Education and Merit using data from Unioncamere - MLPS, Excelsior Information System and the National Institute of Statistics.
List of economic sectors
Average minimum and maximum annual salary

What is the nationwide distribution of hires per economic macro-sector

The graph shows the geographical distribution of planned hires per economic macro-sector.

Processed by the Ministry of Education and Merit using data from Unioncamere - MLPS, Excelsior Information System