Pago In Rete

The digital payment service of Schools and the Ministry of Education and Merit integrated with pagoPA.

What can you pay with Pago In Rete?

School fees for enrollment, attendance and graduation

Contributions for curricular and extracurricular activities

Contributions for school visits and educational trips


School transport

Other types of payments

Who can pay with Pago In Rete?

Student (adult or minor with parental delegation)

Parent or other subject in charge of legal protection of the student

Class representative

Legal representative of juridical person

School personnel (teachers, school staff, etc.)

All other citizens

Payment in one click

Select payment

Select payment

Log into Pago In Rete and view all payments requested by schools. You can make single or multiple payments in one transaction. You will also be able to download the certificate of payment for each payment made.

The benefits of Pago In Rete

With Pago In Rete paying is easy and intuitive.


With Pago In Rete you pay in one click.


With Pago In Rete your data are protected.

Need help?

Check the support material

Payments’ guide

Find out the payment procedure in this video, check out the guide and share the infographic on Pago In Rete on Unica.

Pago In Rete – Payments’ guidePDF Format - 2.68 MBInfographic - Pago In Rete on UnicaPDF Format - 1.06 MB

Any questions or concerns?

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about Pago In Rete
Download the PDF document with all the FAQs on Pago In Rete

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