Student Councils

The Provincial Student Council (CPS) is an institutional student representative body on a provincial basis, regulated by Presidential Decree 567/96 and its subsequent amendments, composed of two students from each secondary school in the province. The representatives are elected by the students of the school which they attend and remain in office for two years. The election of these representatives takes place by 31 October of the year in which the body's term of office expires.

Student representation in dialogue with the Ministry

The regulations offer a response to students' need to participate actively in school life, in line with the school's institutional aims and respecting the specific roles of each of the components operating within it. Through the Councils, elected representatives engage in dialogue with local institutions, school authorities and local bodies and associations to implement projects and programmes in various fields, including guidance, health education and the fight against bullying and cyberbullying. In addition, the councils also organise and structure the requests and demands of all students in the areas of school buildings, the right to study and transport.

Main functions of the Councils:
  • to ensure the widest possible dialogue between students from all high schools;
  • to optimise and integrate extracurricular activities into a network;
  • to formulate action proposals that go beyond the scope of the individual institute, and which may also be based on the network agreements envisaged by Article 7 of Presidential Decree No 275 of 8 March 1999, as well as framework agreements to be concluded between the competent peripheral educational authority, local authorities, the region, student and alumni associations, users and voluntary organisations, and organisations in the world of work and manufacturing;
  • to formulate proposals and express opinions to local authorities, competent local institutions and local collegiate bodies;
  • to set up an information desk for students, in cooperation with the local school office, focusing on the implementation of these regulations and the students' statute, as well as guidance activities;
  • to plan, organise and implement activities including those of a transnational nature;
  • to appoint student representatives to the regional supervisory body established by the students' statute.

Councils belonging to the same region form a Regional Coordination (Co.R.), which is set up by the head of the relevant regional school office. This office provides technical and organisational support to the Regional Coordination, which adopts its own rules of procedure governing its composition and organisational arrangements.

All Italian Council Presidents meet in the National Council of Council Presidents (CNPC).

During the National Council of Council Presidents, the Presidents elected in all the Italian provinces have the opportunity to exchange information and share their experiences on the ground, devise projects to be integrated, discuss crucial issues common to the CPSs and engage with the Ministry of Education and Merit by formulating opinions and proposals as an advisory body of the Ministry and a permanent forum for discussion and representation of students nationally.