Personalised Education Pathways for high-level student athletes

Along with the successes they are able to achieve through constant commitment to their sport, young athletes must also be guaranteed the opportunity to complete their education.

An experimental project with excellent results

In 2016, the Ministry launched an experimental project dedicated to high-level student athletes. It protects the right to study of students practising competitive sports of national importance, making it possible to reconcile school and sporting activities through special personalised educational programmes. The student athlete project involves innovative training, flexible in terms of timing and implemented through diversified and innovative methodological teaching measures and activities in the assessment process, supported by digital tools.

To take part in the project, the school must complete the application on the dedicated platform by the deadline indicated for each school year. Students who are interested must provide the school with the necessary documentation to prove that they meet the eligibility requirements..

Eligible students: athletes meeting the entry requirements proposed, for each school year, by the involved sports bodies recognised by CONI and CIP, and approved by the ministerial commission composed of representatives of MIM, CONI, CIP, Sport and Health and the Department for Sport - Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Entry requirements are specified on the Ministry of Education and Merit website.

Useful links

Everything you need to know about the high-level student athlete project.