Education and training

Here you can consult national and regional statistics on education and training courses in Italy, from the end of the first study cycle to tertiary education.

What students choose at the end of the first study cycle

The graph shows the number of students enrolled in high schools, technical and professional schools and Professional Training Centres (CFPs) (for the regions that have adopted the online enrolment system), as a percentage of the total number of students enrolled in upper secondary schools and CFPs

What students who continue their studies at the end of the second cycle choose

Universities and ITS Academies: most popular subject areas

The graph shows the most popular subject areas by number of first-year enrolments, as a percentage of the total number of students enrolled in universities and ITS Academy (Istituti Tecnologici Superiori) who got their diploma in the previous school year.

Compiled by the Ministry of Education and Merit based on data provided by the Ministry of University and Research and INDIRE (the National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research).

The percentages refer to the total number of enrolled students at the university who got their diploma in the previous school year.

ITS Academies

The percentages refer to the total number of first-year ITS Academy entrants who got their diploma in the previous school year.

Higher Education in Art, Music and Dance (AFAM): most popular courses

The graph shows the most popular courses by number of enrolments, as a percentage of total first-year enrolments at AFAM institutions belonging to each of the two subject areas.

Compiled by the Ministry of Education and Merit based on data provided by the Ministry of University and Research.

Artistic Area


The percentages refer to the total first-year enrolments in AFAM institutions that fall within the Artistic Area, i.e.: Academies of Fine Arts, National Academies of Dramatic Art, Higher Institutes for Artistic Industries (ISIA).

Music/Dance Area


The percentages refer to the total first-year enrolments in AFAM institutions that fall within the Music/Dance Area, i.e.: National Dance Academies, Music Conservatories, Higher Institutes of Musical Studies.